Monday, February 3, 2014

RSD and Thyroid and Adrenal

I am going to start trying to start blogging more I know that I have not been very good but want to try to do better.The thing I am talking about today is that we all know that with CRPS/RSD that the sympathetic nerve is not working properly telling us we are in pain 24/7,we have heard about the fight or fight response is related to the sympathetic nerve ,but how many know that it is also related to your thyroid,adrenal glands,and your pituitary hypothalamus too.I want to encourage any of my fellow CRPS/RSD patients to get a thorough thyroid and adrenal lab work up and I am not talking about only a TSH thyroid test this is not nearly enough I learned about this the hard way and do not want anyone to go through what I have.In 2006 five years to about the exact month of getting CRPS/RSD I started gaining weight and I had not changed medicine amout I was eating or doing when I say gain like 30 pounds in about 3 months so if you are saying WOW so was I,my only problem is not only the weight gain but severe bloating and just feeling horrible which not the same yuck from CRPS/RSD it was different but know one would listen I would go to my PC and would be told well I really think it is just your CRPS/RSD my sister even went with me to a doctors appointment with a GI specialist who told me that to be gaining weight like this I have to be shoving food in even though my sister told them that I hardly eat anything this made me feel even worse about myself.Finally after six more months of seeing my PC and being told I was fine labs are all normal my pain doctor who I adore sent me to my gynecologist who did some testing and I was told looked like ovarian cancer and this would be why I was having all of these symptoms so 3 days after my grandfather passed they removed my ovaries but instead of cancer and tumors being on my ovaries my ovaries were just that swollen,so I was hopeful that now I would start feeling better but no change,after a year of not getting better and still going to my PC about every 4 months my lower back really bothering I was worried that the CRPS/RSD had gong into my back but my pain doctor did not think so he ordered a CT and it showed that I had Ankylosing Spondylitis which is a form of arthritis that is in the lowest part of back so it effects your hips and it also causes heel pain as well as problems with lungs  chest neck all the way up back as well as joints, but the biggest surprise is that my thyroid on the left side of it was the size of an egg I went to my PC who said best thing is to have this side removed if you do not know your thyroid is shaped like a butterfly so about month later had only the left side removed I again am thinking okay they will put me on thyroid medicine and I am going to feel so much better I have only known a couple of people who have thyroid issues and was told I feel great after getting on medicine.I wake up from surgery and was told that my labs are great we will not have to put you on medicine the right side is working for both,I said great less medicine I have to take the better,well after 2 more years of feeling like I have the worst flu you could ever have as well as not being able to put feet on the ground without pain and mu muscles feeling like I am working out 24/7 I am now using a wheelchair if I went out but felt so bad that I really never did,I kept seeing my PC every three months for labs but was told you are fine must just be your CRPS/RSD but I knew it was not it is different pain so finally my pain doctor ran my thyroid levels and was sent to endo since labs were so bad I saw doctor who put me on synthroid and in 3 days felt like knew person I could not believe the difference,I am going to stop here for today but will add more tomorrow my main thing is if you have a autoimmune disease of any kind please get thyroid tested and not just a TSH,you need a T3,T4 FreeT3 and Free T4